Mayanoff Photography
‘Digital Art & Painting’

Black and White brings all its uniqueness to the shot, as do the accentuation of colors on elements or the whole of the photo.
Artistic Photo responds to specific shots, outside of "clichés", with very personalized aperture, sensitivity and speed settings.

"A picture is worth a thousand words." Confucius. This is my adage.
“You don't take a photograph, you make it." Ansel Adams
"Photographic Art: a vision, a light, an emotion." Mayanoff Photography

Common cranes from Mayanoff Photography, Prodi Art, Art photography, Mounting on aluminium
Mounting on aluminium
starting at 66
Silhouette of Mont Saint michel - illustration from Mayanoff Photography, Prodi Art, Art photography, Mounting on aluminium
Mounting on aluminium
starting at 71
Feline gaze from Mayanoff Photography, Prodi Art, Art photography, Mounting on aluminium
Mounting on aluminium
starting at 61
Garden of Eden from Mayanoff Photography, Prodi Art, Art photography, Mounting on aluminium
Mounting on aluminium
starting at 44
The woodland ghost from Mayanoff Photography, Prodi Art, Art photography, Mounting on aluminium
Mounting on aluminium
starting at 59
The Siberian Tiger out of the great steppes from Mayanoff Photography, Prodi Art, Art photography, Mounting on aluminium
Mounting on aluminium
starting at 59
The King of the Savannah from Mayanoff Photography, Prodi Art, Art photography, Mounting on aluminium
Mounting on aluminium
starting at 64